Posture is the position in which you hold your body upright against gravity while standing, sitting or laying down. Good posture involves training your body to stand, walk, sit and lie in positions of a minor strain. Good posture makes you look great, feel more energetic and project confidence. It also helps prevent injury and reduce pain. Just knowing how to correct your posture is not enough to achieve a change in your actual habit. Our body uses learnt motor patterns to perform everyday activities. When you sit, stand, walk or move – your body follows previously known motor patterns. If your body has learned to slouch – that’s what it will do.

Typical Joint Range of Motion. If you have stiff spinal joints, they will need loosening to allow you to achieve proper posture alignment.
Normal Muscle Length. If your muscles are too tight, you won’t be able to attain a healthy posture. Your muscles will need to be stretched and relaxed.
Excellent Muscle Endurance. Your muscles need to be able to work for hours on end. Poor endurance is a significant factor in habitual poor posture.
Normal Nerve Extensibility. Yes. Your neural tissue needs enough length to allow for healthy posture.

Dr. Kanika